In Community Support of The Dougy Center
Presented by Cristina Chipriano, L.C.S.W.
National Children's Grief Awareness Day
November 16, 2023
10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., PST
Cost: $65/person
Registration closes at 10 a.m., PST, November 15, 2023
Every day in the United States we are bombarded with stories of gun violence. Within every story, whether noted by the media or not, there are children, teens, and adults impacted forever by the death of someone in their lives: a parent, caregiver, aunt, uncle, sibling, or friend. In addition to grieving the death, survivors are faced with multiple additional factors which complicate their lives. Join us in this webinar as we explore these factors and ways to support children and teens who are grieving a death from gun violence.