In Community Support of the Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative Specialists
‘Grief literacy’ is defined as "skills and knowledge that enable thoughtful action and compassionate care for those in need." In this workshop, participants will learn tangible skills for normalizing grief and supporting others to navigate the multi-layered landscapes of loss. Through a combination of didactic and interactive exercises and discussions, participants will explore the various faces and sources of grief and learn empathy-bridging tools that encourage person-centered care that is connective and affirming.
-Express a holistic understanding of the grief and loss experience, especially as encountered by older adults
-Describe language and tools to recognize and respond to grief experiences for others in a more skilled and competent manner
-Practice ways of maintaining grounded self-awareness in the face of intense emotions
Elizabeth is the Executive Director of and Erin is the Program Director of The Peaceful Presence Project. This is a nonprofit organization, based in Bend, with a mission to re-imagine the way communities talk about, plan for and experience serious illness and the end of life.
This is a part of the 2023 Geriatric Competencies Series -- A free monthly workforce development training series focusing on geriatric competencies for medical and mental health professionals and paraprofessionals who work with older adults. One Thursday each month 9-11 am
* Brought to you by the Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative Specialists of Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson and Josephine Counties. For more info, visit: